"Barangkali kau bukan siapa-siapa di dunia Ini, tetapi bagi seseorang mungkin kau adalah dunianya" [DYI]
Senin, 31 Maret 2014
Morning V: Sea Games
Rabu, 26 Maret 2014
Morning IV
How are you, Qaddafi? I think, many people looking for Qaddafi--he was lost since the TNC take over of Libya's government. Some of them wanna make sure that this leader of Libya is still alive. And others, wanna deliver him to International Supreme Court [CMIIW] in the name of violation of human right. Well, Qaddafi is one of the most-wanted person in the world.
I know Qaddafi, for first time, as a good leader from Middle East. "Good", in Middle East, not always similar with democratic, fairness, respect on human rights, and something similiar with this. It's just simple: authoritarian-less. No more. But it's meaningfull. Authoritarian-less means that the government provides a system can share the power. It's also means the wealth of nation distributes by the government--in many ways--to the people. "Good" also related with promoting women's right.
In this term, Qaddafi initiate something called Mu'tamar Sy'ab (People Congress)--we can explore it well in Green Book volume 1. It's not bad idea when compare with other countries: many leader loves to be king, with centered power, rather than shares the power with the prime minister or vice president, and also the people--the true owner of sovereignity and power. Mu'tamar Sya'b provides a system making people to be a decision maker for their life. Rizal Sukma said Libya is better than others petro dollar country in Middle East--Libya is welfare state. The government didn't monopolize the petroleum. Other book said, Qaddafi build many school for women. When it compares with Afganistan now, it's a big thing of course. Women, by Qaddafi's policy, can acces many area even military. Qaddafi did it after succesfully coup d'etat in 1st September 1969.
But now everything it's gonna bad. Mu'tamar Sya'b is one system, and decision making is another one. Qaddafi, in the fact, is the center of everything. And the women just supporter. So many people and countries criticize him in the name of democracy. But it'sn not just simple as that. Libya blessed (or cursed?) with petroleum. And, Qaddafi / Libya promotes Uni of Africa. Uni Africa makes Africa well controlled in one system--just like Uni of Europe. It's means, nobody can control Africa without Qaddafi's permission. And nobody access the petroleum also.
But, Qaddafi's era is over now. Let us know the TNC works. And we can see what NATO's want from Libya. But, the aspiration of Libyan's people is everything..
Jakarta. 18 September 2011
Rabu, 19 Maret 2014
“Kamu merasa bahagia?,” Tyas menanyakannya lagi kepada Gusti. Tyas sebenarnya hanya sekedar menanyakan perasaan terdalam mantan lelakinya. Memastikan Gusti baik-baik saja sejak mereka berpisah setahun lalu.
Sejak itu, komunikasi terputus. Tyas memutuskan diam. Hanya mengirimkan senyum singkat ketika bertemu dengan sang mantan. Sebaliknya, Gusti masih menggebu. Lelaki itu yang memutuskan, tetapi juga ia tidak terima ketika Tyas tak lagi berkata-kata seperti biasa.
Melihat Tyas mogok bicara, Gusti semakin menjadi-jadi. Berkali-kali ia mengirim pesan di media social bisa tiga kali sehari. Layaknya minum obat.
Gusti Arifin mengirim tiga pesan.
“Halo, apa kabar?”
“Sudah makan belum?”
“Selamat bobok, Dinda”.
Tyas menghela nafas. Tyas baru saja memikirkan teman SMA-nya itu. Ia melihatnya bengong di taman fakultas, seperti ada yang mengganjal. Ia segera menuju ke kamar tidur –selimut biru lau itu seperti menariknya. “Apalagi, Gusti? Kau yang mengakhiri dan sekarang kau kacau begini,” Tyas memikirkannya lagi. Tapi hatinya menolak. Gusti yang memutuskan pergi. Tyas sudah menahannya, dan Gusti lebih suka menyenangkan egonya.
Setahun tanpa percakapan memang menyiksa. Tapi Tyas menahan diri—percakapan hanya mewariskan kesedihan. Mungkin lebih buruk lagi: menyalahkan satu sama lain. Memang iya jika dikatakan akhir hubungan mereka karena tidak ada yang mengalah.
“Aku sudah sering mengalah. Aku capek tiap hari begini,” Gusti berteriak keras-keras.
“Aku menunggumu setiap pulang kerja. Aku selalu menelponmu lebih dulu jika kita berselisih paham. Aku membelamu di depan ibuku, apapun kesalahanmu. Aku sabar dengan semua keluhanmu yang tak pernah berubah setahun,” Gusti segera menggelar semua jasanya serupa tukang obat yang biasa praktek di Monas menjelang akhir pekan."
“Aku juga yang menjengukmu sewaktu sakit. Kamu? Aku telpon berkali-kali. Itu jika moodmu bagus”. Isi hati Gusti tumpah ruah.
Seribu kata ia keluarkan, tapi rupanya Gusti belum ingin berhenti. “Itu belum seberapa sakit. Sikapmu kemarin itu merusak segunung harapku”.
Tyas mendadak pucat. Hanya kalimat Gusti yang membuatnya terhenyak. Gusti adalah orang yang bisa membuatnya bertahan. Riwayat cintanya adalah siklus tiga bulan. Tiga bulan berbunga-bunga. Tiga bulan ribut besar dan konflik semi besar. Tiga bulan berikutnya, ribut maha besar.
Tersebutlah Septian, Reza, dan Galih. Tiga nama dan siklus tiga bulan. Tyas menganggap biasa. Lebih dari tiga kali tiga bulan, kisah cinta hanya akan jadi hambar tidak karuan. Kalau ia masih ada, bagi Tyas, berarti ada tambahan pengawet. Makanya, setelah siklus ini lewat, dua belah pihak biasanya tak begitu sehat. Harap maklum, namanya juga cinta pengawet.
Rina dan Rita adalah karibnya. Mereka adalah contoh terbaik teori cinta Tyas. Tyas sering meledek. “Rina, kamu itu cantik minta ampun. Kenapa masih bertahan dengan Farid?” Rina cuma mengulum senyum. Farid sering ingkar janji. Sudah begitu kelakuannya bak polisi: tiap Rina pergi tanpa izin, segera diinterogasi. Tapi ia punya seribu alasan untuk membuat Rina meleleh.
Rita sudah bahan makanan Tyas. Si cewek super duper pinter ini punya banyak penggemar. Cuma, ia sudah klik dengan Mamet. Teman kelasnya tetapi memiliki IP mengecewakan. “Aku memilih setia, Tyas,” Rita memberikan alasannya bertahan.Tapi Tyas tak percaya. Mamet itu banyak tingkah. Ia suka bikin modus kepada cewek-cewek manis jika Rita absen ke kampus. Sesuai dengan ramalan Tyas, tingkh belagu cowok ini dimulai sejak bulan keempat. Ya, tiga bulan kedua.
Tyas baru pensiun meledek setelah bertemu Gusti. Gusti adalah pacarnya yang maha. Selalu menjemputnya hingga kerjanya setahun. Meminta maaf lebih dulu ketika dia yang khilaf. Dan ia begitu terharu ketika ia dipilih daripada ibu Gusti—ia tanpa sengaja memecahkan pot kesayangan ibunya. Tyas tidak mungkin selamat jika Gusti tidak tanggap. Ibu Gusti adalah tipe amat-setia-terhadap-segala-miliknya. Setia macam ini pula yang ditunjukkan kepada mendiang ayahnya.
“Dan tadi siang, mengapa kamu bersama Septian? Tidak ada stok sabar buatmu lagi!”
“Septian itu terus kamu ceritakan sepanjang tiga bulan!”
“Septian itu yang tahu lebih banyak tentang kamu!”
Tyas tak lagi sabar mendengar kalimat Gusti yang beranak pinak. “Aku tidak pernah memintamu Gusti. Merengek segala yang kau sebutkan tadi. Tidak pernah sama sekali,” Tyas berhenti. Ia tidak hendak berkata begini, tapi kalimat ini tak bisa ditarik lagi
“Tapi aku berterima kasih engkau rela memberi. Tolong jangan pergi, Gusti,” Tyas menghiba. Ia mengganti kata-kata kerasnya—ia ingat segala jerih pacarnya itu sejak siklus tiga bulan ketiga. Ini satu-satunya alasan tidak bertahan. Tidak ada yang menahannya pergi seperti Gusti. Tidak Septian atau mantannya yang lain.
Tyas harus puas ketika Gusti benar-benar pergi. Dengan pengalamannya selama ini, Tyas menjadi orang dengan move on yang professional. Begitu doi pergi, ia ke kamar. Menangis dengan satu box tisu. Setelah itu makan menu aneh di kafe paling mahal di kota. Jika badan masih kuat, ia ke bioskop menonton film Bollywood. Tentu saja hape Tyas dimatikan dan pergi dari rumah tanpa pesan.
Hampir setahun berjalan, Tyas merasa bergembira. Upayanya akan berhasil. Sampai pesan itu kembali datang. Lalu, ia mengeluarkan jurus lamanya.
“Kamu merasa bahagia?”
“Jika iya, teruskan saja pesan berantaimu”.
“Jika sudah tidak ada, maka itu saatnya berhenti”.
Tyas menekan enter dan pesan itu segera menuju ke akun Facebook Gusti.
Gusti senang dengan balasan ini. Tapi matanya nanar. Pesan itu kejam sekali buat Gusti. Serupa tombak yang dibidikkan ke ulu hati. Ia tentu tidak bahagia denga cara begini. Tapi apa daya? Siang tadi, ia tak sengaja bertemu Tyas di kantin kampus. Matanya bersirobok dengan perempuan berkulit pualam itu.
Gusti membayangkan Tyas akan gugup. Seharusnya iya, sebab Tyas yang menahannya pergi. Halo, dan tersenyum lalu berlalu dari hadapannya. Hanya itu saja. Tyas sepert robot cerdas era ini.
Ia tak terima dan karenanya terus berkirim pesan.
Makan apa pagi ini, Dinda?
Hati-hati di jalan ya. Seharian mendung..
Jangan pikirkan Septian lagi. Dia membonceng Rita dengan mesra
Tiga bulan itu hanya ramalan
Tiga bulan itu teori yang akan segera berganti
Tyas membacanya, dan terus membacanya lagi. Ia mengetik kembali: “Kamu merasa bahagia?”

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014
Jalan-jalan ke Lamongan
Ini sebenarnya perjalanan yang tertunda sekian lama. Teman-teman satu grup sudah ke daerah ini setahun lalu. Waktu itu saya izin sebab pekerjaan mengantri. Harap maklum sebab ini akhir tahun: laporan menggunung. Saya sudah wanti-wanti untuk tidak mengunggah segala hal berkait wisata ini. Tentu dengan setengah bercanda. Selain bikin ngeri ulu hati, juga bisa-bisa saya gigit jari.
Episode paling menarik tentu saja makan--maklum hobi makan. Wahai penggemar seafood, inilah surgamu. Cumi-cumi, ikan, krupuk ikan, ikan asin, udang semua dijamin 105% segar...
Morning III
Now, I believe what woman activist said: talking about equality is useless when the developed and undeveloped people meet. It doesn't mean that the ideas of Kartini is useless. Now it's important, it's irreplaceable. The problem is how to keep the meaning well-understanding and well-parcticed now. Yes, it's about the actor. The developed people means the people aware how important equalities are: respect, non-discriminative, zero tolerance for voilence, freedom, and so on and they practice it when keep contact with others. The undeveloped people is the contrary. May they know about the ideas, can memorize Kartini's biography well, study about feminism in college--but non sens: they ignore it.
I talk about the professor. He obtain his Ph.D from one of top ten university abroad. But the problem is himself. He discussed with us (the student) about religion and sociology. He explained us about the definition, theories, and methods--the focus is method. I just shaked my head due to the way he chooses to do introductory session. He asked me to be the last person who introduced theirself and ask my mobile number as joking--I the only one woman in the class.
I show my objection but it's continue--making woman to be the object of study--and my mates loves it, I suppose. Then I said to mates; please think first before you argue on some issues. I said like that when they did the simlar statement: blaming the woman. Then other mate said: the professor it's so funny, it's common. He said like that because the proffessor involve with the training and my mate is the participant. But, I said, there many jokes you can make, without blaming woman. I did this when the professor out of class for a while.
I can't count "the jokes" or the samples talk with us--I choose to forget it--but I want to tell one of them. He said, how is your opinion when I hug this women (read; me)? He said: I want, very much but I can't because the norm, the sharia prohibit it. Almost the class laugh. It's hurts. It's annoying. It's harrasment....Do I doing exxageration? I don't think so. I keep silent. I forgive up for giving warning. Actually, I said to the professor, before this joke is released, that the class is academic environment, what he did is a kind of harrasment--but I don't know what the respons is. The class was so rush, I can't explain my argument well. I just hope somebody say something to him. But no one.
I stop pay attention to the class, the mates, an the professor, then. I get frustated for getting bad treatment. Just look the books, look the down. And professor said, without empathiness, don't be angry, Mbak. What? How come? I just wanna be angry--much. To be honest, I can't believe what he did in academic aspect and treat the student today. My friend said that he suggest the topic of his final paper to be neutral, objective. But, with the student in class, he was being subjective person--he defines everything based on his opininon, not feminist opinion, especially on something so-called harrasment. Contractditio interminis. He shaked our hand, finally, before the class closing and ask apoligies for everything make us hurted--I do and I smiled. But, for me, it's healing nothing. Just ceremonial stuff. Dunno what cross in his mind when I looked him and keep smiling. I didn't forgive him yet.
I keep my dissapointment my self, then told it in lunch time with my (woman) mate: she support me much. She get the same treatment in the same day, but from the mates--his professor is clear and firm about the ideas of equality. She told me that her (man) mate avoid her when he shared the paper. What kind of this treatment? Just for your information, the man, and almost the class, is well-educated people in religious issues. They know well our prophet PBUH respect woman much. It's hurted in usual days--and it's very hurted in Kartini's day.
Well, finally, I have to say: so many undeveloped people around us. Please, never associated this term released by New Order regime--i dislike it and you too, I think. It's about the people aware and practice the equality. And, discussing this term didn't meant I'm the typical of developed person. I just can't stop to criticize the attitude of undeveloped people whoever he/she is that treat everybody badly because they are women.
Last but not least, it's difficult to implement the ideas of Ibu Kartini. In the past, I believe that education will be the best way for eradicating the oppression of woman. It's not true--no matter what we've done with our education--we are still under-pressed by patriarchal rules. The level of education, I quote my friend statement, just making us know about the oppression better. How to eradicate the opression is other bussines. It's happen when the developed-women and developed-men meet. I do believe.
Unforgettable Kartini's Day
21th April 2011
20.19 WIB
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